Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Namecheap cpanel php hosting not. working.

So, I recently bought a domain and hosting at, to use for my small php site mentioned in an earlier post. All ready to go, I just hooked up filezilla and uploaded my site I had already made (the second part of the tutorial should come sometime) to public_html/ and hoped for it to work! Unfortunately I got the oh so pretty 500 Internal Server Error.

Internal Server Error  The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.  Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.  More information about this error may be available in the server error log.  Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
ERROR 500. Btw, who doesn't love the brush in paint?

Man! What's going on? I went straight to searching online, and searched and searched, "setting up php with cpanel", "php namecheap cpanel hosting", adding the "not working" and "500 server error", you get the point.. anyway, tried a bunch of things, with nothing working!
I tried a simple index.html file which worked right off the bat, I of course removed all the fancy stuff and tried a single index.php file with only this line
<?php echo "sup"; ?>
What can go wrong? Well.. that's a silly question! Everything can go wrong. Anyway, after a while I started browsing over the docs at namecheap because at this point I didn't want to bother a live representative for something so silly! Found nothing, so I gave up and talked to a (presumably) person.

After phrasing my question (short but sweet due to character maximums), the first things out of the representative's mouth are:

You have to change the permission of the file to 644.

Bam! I'm like, what now? Windows whuut. Anyway, so after some fiddling, turns out you can do that straight from filezilla by right-clicking your .php files (on the domain side) and going to
file permissions...
and then changing it to 644.

After this it worked for me!

Big thanks to the tech guy at namecheap! (his name was r-something. Riley? maybe)

click file permissions...
step 1

change file permissions to 644
step 2

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

no javascript, no service

js no java no script no service
i was amazed i couldn't find this picture online, so i had to make it, like wat

Me being a complete gimp noob, I think I'll briefly describe my steps in making this glorious (not really) picture.

Okay, so I had this image of the red "nogo" sign in my head from the get go. So I decided to google it to try to find a picture. Now, instead of just googling "not allowed sign png", it's a lot better to go to advanced search, and choosing only files of type png. Just putting the keyword in seems to give you many non-png's.. another thing to look for is to have it transparent! anyway, a nice addition, is that google allows you to filter by license, so going to
search tools -> usage rights -> labeled for reuse with modification
gave me that big red circle free to use! It perhaps goes without saying, but my picture is of course free to use as well!

Next I tried googling the javascript logo, but that didn't give many satisfactory results, so I just typed it in gimp. Gimp handily adds a special layer for each new text you make, so that is exactly as we want it. Only had to move the layer behind the "nogo" sign (top layer in the top position). Played a bit with centering it with the alignment tool.

A pretty basic think is to go to
image -> canvas size
and enlarge it to make room for the bottom text.

Now the picture had a bit too pixelated edges for my taste, so, I tried to lessen that. After some trial and error, this is the final process.
  • I started by following this guide, except using a 2px border edge and gaussian blur with radius 3px instead of the repeated blur.
  • Then using
    filters -> enhance -> unsharp mask
    to sharpen the now blurred borders.

All done? Almost. I had sort of thought about the picture with a white background which this website (currently) doesn't have, so the transparency makes it dark grey. Now I want to change the transparency to white. How can we do that? After a surprisingly long online search, I figured out, it was not more complicated than to simply right click the layer and
remove alpha channel
all done.

js no java no script no service transparent
here's the picture with transparent background

js no javascript no service transparent
and another variation for those java haters

The "nogo" sign:
Aligning text in gimp:
Remove pixelated edges:
Remove blur:
This gave me the idea to remove the alpha channel in gimp:

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A small website with two languages using jade, stylus and php ~ part 1 ~

Right. So, I wanted to create my own personal website, where I could have links to other stuff I've done and some minor info about me. Not too intense, small scale. I also like to do things from scratch, I don't know why. Maybe I like the control it gives you. But in no way is this a win-win, it takes more coding, more time, and is probably less secure than for example using a wordpress template or something. Anyway.

This part only includes the legwork, setting everything up, so it's ready to start some html/css/js coding! Here's what the site looks like after this work

the website with an icelandic title
the site with icelandic language,
spectacular I know!

the website with an english title, through the ?lang=en parameter
english, notice the lang parameter
which changes the site title

So I got to know jade in a web programming course, and instantly preferred it over always closing the html blocks, and the layout capabilities (the extends). Similar story about stylus, css without the curly brackets and semi colons, plus of course, for loops for media queries? hell yes. The stylus tutorial I used back then, also had nib, which comes with the handy darken()/lighten() functions (along with some cross browser stuff like adding vendor prefixes).
Now, because of the small scale, I also wanted it to be easy for me to set the site up, so I wanted to be able to use php if I needed any database interaction (or as it turns out, using data from GET calls).

I started with the directory structure.

site includes the index.html file, static files (css, javascript, and anything else I need that is public). Templates includes all .jade files and views include all rendered .html files except the index. Styles includes most importantly the style.styl file (which renders to style.css) and additionally nib sourcecode.
I used npm global install for jade and stylus (installed from an earlier project). Then I used the installed nib files and simply copied them to styles/ (here's the link to the nodejs tutorial I used for that project)

First thing's first, I copied some old .jade files I had from an earlier project and deleted everything that included variables and stuff I won't be able/need to use now :P did the same with the style.styl file and placed it in homepage/styles

layout.jade code
contact.jade code
about.jade code


Notice, that I am linking to a soon to exist style.css included in the static/css folder. Also, I'm just going to mention, the 
meta(name="viewport",content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1") 
line, is something I don't understand why every website doesn't have. It makes it so mobile users don't have to drag and zoom to look at websites, the content kind of adjusts to the phone width (like most websites do).
I'm not using those variable color values, but I probably will, how nice is it to have variables in css? 

Now, as you may have guessed, the .jade and .styl files cannot be displayed directly, and have to be rendered into .html and .css files. When you have a setup like nodejs or django, I'm sure you can do that automatically, but for something like this, I just have to manually compile files when I change them. Here are the basic commands (from cmd) I use to compile the files.
jade site/templates -o "site/views/" -P
stylus styles -o "site/static/css/"
Stationed in the root homepage/ folder, the first command renders all .jade files from site/templates into .html files in site/views. The second command similarly renders all .styl files from styles/ into site/static/css.

Now, I also wanted the index.html to be stationed in site/ and the rest in views/ except I simply wanted not to render layout.jade (it's never displayed on it's own). So, naturally, I turned to the trusty old batch script! It's fairly simple, so I think I'll just show it here and not explain in detail.

compile.bat code (part 1) compiles our .jade and .stylus files into .html and .css
yes you should be sceptical about running .bat files from the internet, but this one's pretty safe

Wasn't there some mention of php? Exactly. I wasn't going to use php until I needed to, and now I did (well, probably not, but it was an option anyway). I searched for how to nicely include two languages on a website (so the user had a "switch to english" option). Found a site that had an idea I liked. Of course you want to avoid hardcoding stuff as much as possible, so the idea to have different translations in two .php files with all same variable names and then include the relevant file depending on the lang parameter (through the ?lang=en) was cool (a database would also have worked).

So now I have a new directory, views/php, which includes en.php and is.php containing the translations. And of course, have to add these includes in layout.jade.

layout.jade code with php language includes
man that's some ugly syntax!

  $greeting = utf8_encode("HEY hYE");
  $title = utf8_encode("a website");

  $greeting = utf8_encode("Hæ, hvað segirðu?");
  $title = utf8_encode("besta síðan");

Yes, that php within the jade is not pretty at all. I did look up some options for jade and php, and there appear to be some software for that, but it all seemed to complex or not for me, and this worked, so I'll just go with it. It's a small site :P
That syntax does give me a render warning about some spaces, but I hope that isn't severe.
Notice the utf8_decode, this I had to do, along with the utf8_encode in the language.php files. This is so the browser correctly displays the icelandic (unicode) letters, without it, I got question marks and weird symbols.

I'll just quickly mention, I used wamp to run the now .php (instead of .html) site on localhost. I also use dropbox to backup my files, so I wanted to change the root wamp directory to my working folder, and did so successfully. Thank you yfastud! (remember to change it in two locations in the httpd.conf file)

We're almost at the finish line! Has anyone noticed the problem with this setup? Well, not only do I have to manually change the .html extensions on all files to .php, each time I render again, I have to delete the old php files and change the extensions again.. now that won't do!

So the solution?


Batch script!!

compile.bat code (part 2) deletes old .php files and renames rendered .html ones

This code is just appended to our old compile.bat so now, we only need one compile command to do all we need on a change. Now, this script took a while to make, I had to search online for a lot of stuff. Basically, what it does is this:

  • deletes all .php files not in the ignore list (without that, it deleted is.php and en.php, but they're not rendered, so bad thing)
  • the for loop on line 30 goes recursively through all folders and each file named something.php. The inner for loop simply loops over our ignores list and sets a flag if we are looking at a file in that list. Then files not flagged are deleted.
  • the last for loop simply renames all .html files to .php

Note, in line 38, 
if !inIgnores! equ 0
if !inIgnores! == 0
didn't work, but
if !inIgnores! lss 1
did for some reason.

Here is a sample output after a single compile command
executing command: jade site/templates/index.jade -o "site" -P

Warning: missing space before text for line 15 of jade file "site\templates\layout.jade"
  rendered site\index.html

executing command: jade site/templates -o "site/views/" -P

Warning: missing space before text for line 15 of jade file "site\templates\layout.jade"
Warning: missing space before text for line 15 of jade file "site\templates\layout.jade"
Warning: missing space before text for line 15 of jade file "site\templates\layout.jade"
Warning: missing space before text for line 15 of jade file "site/templates/layout.jade"
  rendered site\views\about.html
  rendered site\views\index.html
  rendered site\views\layout.html
  rendered site\views\contact.html

executing command: stylus styles -o "site/static/css/"
  compiled site\static\css\style.css

deleting old .php files..
files to ignore:

ignoring file C:\Users\mypath\homepage\site\views\php\en.php
ignoring file C:\Users\mypath\homepage\site\views\php\is.php
files deleted

renaming .html to .php
files renamed

All done? Almost. Let's not forget our favicon! (the pikachu icon in the left corner of the tab). That was not more complicated than using a favicon generator and then adding this line to the head of our layout.jade
link(rel="shortcut icon" href="static/img/favicon.ico")
and of course putting our favicon.ico in site/static/img.

So! There you have it, some simple foundations for building a simple site with two spoken (written?) languages using jade, stylus and php. For the next part, there will be some actual content added, but that's just regular html/css/js coding, so maybe I won't even make a post about that.

Fair warning: I actually haven't completed the site, so any problems I run into down the line if any, are not known to me at this point.

Here's a link to a .zip with all the files I used ready to go! (except you have to get nib yourself, or comment out the import nib and global-reset() line from style.styl). The final directory structure

[EDIT 12. may 2015] the site is up!! check it out. Hopefully I'll do a post about the making of someday.

The stylus nodejs tutorial:
This site gave me the idea for the correct syntax to include the <?php ?> in layout.jade
The two language setup:
utf8 with php:
Changing root dir in wamp:,30847,30860
Loop through and rename file extensions using batch:
Print newline in script:
Extract name/extension from variable in .bat:
Comparison in script:
Make the favicon!: